Today I will be reviewing End Of Silence, by a Christian Rock band named Red.
Sound://This band is almost like a Christian version of Linkin Park, without the hip-hop and turntables. Being a fan of Linkin park, to me, this is a pretty good band. Most song on this CD are longer, due to piano intros or outros.
Singer Micheal almost reminds me of Scott Anderson (Finger Elven), and at times sounds like him when he yells/screams as well. And when he sings, Mike has a really, really nice voice, and sound good with a theater like band behind him.
*Just a quick note, this band is not "screamo" or anything, Mike only yells/screams occasionally...
Guitarists Anthony and Jasen can make up some cool riffs I.E "Breath into me" Nothing really special about the bass, and drum players, Randy and Hayden, with the exception of the cymbals sounding amazing on this album.
Well, since this band is really obscure, I thought I would try and promote them, as they are a great band. Anyway, I saw the video for "Breathe Into Me" once, on Much Music at like, 1AM. The video is nothing special, but this is one time when staying up late really payed off :)
Lyrics://Well, this is a Christian Rock Band, so this definitely means that there are no negative lyrics whatsoever on this album, but I will still quote some good lyrics from this CD.
In "Let Go" this is a lyric that means something: "I don't wanna be afraid, I don't wanna run away, I don't want to be evaded it's more that I can take" This has lots of meaning to it, and this is that he wants to be stronger, or run away from his fears.
This will be a long quote, but it was so good, I had to put it all. "I tried so hard thought, I could do this on my own I've lost so much along the way then, I'll see your face i know, I'm finally yours, i find everything i thought i lost before" See? Generally uplifting lyrics.
Impression:// See, before this, I thought Christian rock would be like, all pop style with lyrics like "Yeah yeah yeah, I love god, god is great" type of thing. But this band showed me, that you don't necessarily need to sound like that to be "Christian Rock"
01. Intro (End Of Silence) - Umm... yeah ?/10
02. Breath Into Me - This is the song that got me into Red, and at this point is still my favourite song on this album. Very good instrumental, I mean, in the chorus, there is an orchestra in the background, which sounds so cool. Not to mention the awesome lead riff. 10/10
03. Let Go - This song is more, sort of, alternative sounding, and to me strays away from the CD a bit. Excellent chorus, great lyrics though, and still not a bad song either. 8/10
04. Already Over - This song starts out with a piano intro, but the singer makes sorta a whiny voice in the verse, like some sort of sissy band. But, he sounds better in the chorus. Definitely not a favourite of mine. 4.5/10
05. Lost - The song, starts to get good at around 30 seconds, and then it's sounds a lot like a Linkin Park style song. This song's instrumental is...OK. But the lyrics are superb. 8/10
06. Pieces - This is a slow song all the way through. Good lyrics, good instrumental, gives me chills by the time the end of the song comes around. 9/10
07. Break Me Down - This song has a violin that really stands out at the beginning, which in combination with the chords that the guitar is playing, sounds great. 8/10
08. Wasting Time - From the intro, you can tell this will be AWESOME! And the impression the song makes at the beginning, is of course, correct. This song ROCKS! 10/10
09. Gave It All Away - This song really reminds me of Linkin Park, or even Papa Roach, because of the rapid stuttering. Well, it's hard to explain, but you would know what I meant if you heard it. 8/10
10. Hide - The song almost seems to begin, sort of, majestically, then goes on well from there. This song gets stuck in my head so very easily. I love it. 9/10
11. Already Over Pt. 2 - I personally think this song is just, meh. That's all I have to say... 5/10
If you like Hard Rock music in genereal, you will probably like Red. Regardless of the Christian bit.
If you have never heard of Red, which few people have, you may like them if you like some of these bands: Antimaniax, Linkin Park, Papa Roach, Three Days Grace an/or Sick Of Silence.
Today I will reviewing Franz Ferdinand's newest CD: You Could Have It So Much Better.
Sound:// The First thing I am going to say about this album, is that I prefer this one over their previous. The overall sound is just so much better...Get it? Hahaha.... Ok, that was lame.
Anyway, this CD overall has funkier riffs, more technical guitar parts, which include the two guitarists Alex Kapranos and Nick McCarthy each playing different riffs, most evident in "The Fallen".
Singer Alex Kapranos doesn't really strike me as a good vocalist, but he makes the songs catchier. Also, Alex's sing did not really improve that much since the previous album.
One thing that really improved to me was the drumming of Paul Thompson. He uses more of a variety of beats on this album, and is one of the many things that makes this CD so much better.
Bassist Bob Hardy doesn't blow me away with his bass playing, it is OK. I think that the bass should have been recorded louder, as it is pretty hard to hear it in the first place.
The first single from this album that made airplay was "Do You Want To". The repetitive amount of "do"'s surprisingly don't get as annoying after listening to it a couple of times. Even though the video is odd, I still find this a really good song.
The second single to receive major airplay was "The Fallen". Very good song, and cool video. Although, I really have no idea what they are talking about in this song...
Lyrics:// OK, I am just going to come out and say this, I have no Idea what Franz is talking about most of the time. But from what I gather from "This Boy", Alex just writes basically anything he wants to, but in a confusing way. "If I'm tired, I'm tired of telling you I'm never tired, I'm always better than you Bye boy, run to your mother" and the constant repetitiveness of "I WANT A CAR! I WANT A CAR!". The lyrics are just confusing and catchy, so, not bad in the lyrics department.
Impression:// Well, on Franz's first album, I only like one song, and that song happens to be "Take Me Out". On THIS album however, I enjoy almost all of the songs. A definite improvement.
01. The Fallen - This song starts the album off well, but maybe a little too well. This song is my favourite on the album, with the outstandingly complicated sound riffs constantly stuck in my head, this song is pure genius. A cool part of this song is how each chorus they add a line or two. Excellent song. 10/10
02. Do You Want To - I strongly dislike how this song starts, but once the song starts, there is a strong funk feel. This is one of the few songs where the bass actually stands out. The distortion on the main riff sounds almost exactly like the guys singing. 8.5/10
03. This Boy - This is probably my second favourite song on this album. At times, this song has some techno/funk parts, which sound decent. The guitar part in the chorus sounds a lot like a 60/70's style song. 10/10
04. Walk Away - I'm not sure what exactly what to say about this song. To me, it seems very plain, and doesn't have the same feel as the rest of the material on this album. 5/10
05. Evil and a Heathen - I like this song, but I don't love it. The distortion of the voice makes Alex's voice sound... well better. I'm not sure what it is about this song but I find it very catchy. 8/10
06. You're the Reason I'm Leaving - This song I find a bit strange, which most of their songs are, but stranger than most. I'm really not a fan of this song. This is where you can tell they are more of and Indie type band.... 7/10
07. Eleanor Put Your Boots On - This is Franz's only acoustic song, and I am going to come out and say it.... I can't stand this song. Alex & the boys sound absolutely horrible when singing softly. I will probably never listen to this song again. 2/10
08. Well That Was Easy - This song starts off with a very short drum roll, then sorta stays a fast song for a while, and the drumming is the standout for this album. The change of tempo's during this song actually makes me want to listen to it again and again. 9/10
09. What You Meant - This song sounds more like a country song than anything. It is good mind you, but they strode away from their style in this song, or at least I think so. 6/10
10. I'm Your Villain - In the intro, there are really loud hits on the bass drum, almost as if they are making a statement. Again on this song, the bass seems to stand out more than the rest. One thing about this song though, one of the riffs sound almost exactly the same as an other one of their songs. But, I love the chorus, So I am going to give this song an.... 8/10
11. You Could Have It So Much Better - OK, so this is the song where the CD got it's name from. Very Funky song, and a super awesome chorus, where Alex keeps repeating "I'll get up on my own" 9/10
12. Fade Together - I am basically going to say the same thing about this song as I did with "Eleanor Put Your Boots On". Alex does not sound good when singing soft. Although, this song just sound better and less annoying. 5/10
13. Outsiders - This song starts out with the layered riff which sound stellar. This song sound very funky, and I really, really like this song, except for the accordian, which sadly ruined the song, as it sounds like a cat dying. How unfortunate :( 4/10
So, basically, this CD has it times where it is super cool, and catchy, but also has its times when it is really annoying. But, If you liked their previous CD, you will kost likely love this CD.
For those of you who have never heard Franz Ferdinand, they sort of sound like the following bands: The White Stripes, The Killers, RX Bandits, The Bravery and The Yeah Yeah Yeah's
I didn't get the chance to do a review yesterday, but I'm back today, and reviewing Louder Now, by Taking Back Sunday.
Sound:// Taking Back Sunday has two singers, usually they alternate during the songs, and this sounds good for this style of music. Lead singers Adam Lazzara and Fred Mascherino have not bad vocals. They're not bad, not great either...
Guitarists Fred Mascherino and Eddie Reyes don't have too much technical guitar lines on this CD. The hardest song to play on this CD would probably have to be "Spin". Nothing too special here from bassist Matt Rubano and drummer Mark O'Connell.
The first single from this CD was the super successful "Makedamnsure". This song got played majorly from February all the way to late June. Pretty good song, a smart release for first single, and very good video.
The next single was "Liar(It Takes one to Know one)" This video surprisingly did not get near as much airplay as "Makedamsure", because I like this song a lot more. The video features the band members singing/playing their instrument, but as the readings from a lie detector. Pretty cool video.
Lyrics:// TBS mostly talks about romances, and "imperfectness" of human beings. For example, in the song "Twenty-Twenty Surgery" Adam & Fred sing "Cheap dollar signs doll up for a picture perfect point of view, twenty-twenty surgery". This would probably be a metaphor meaning that people spend lots and lots of money to have
"Makedamnsure" is about a romance, actually not so much of a romance as an infatuation. Here's a quote "I just wanna break you down so badly, I trip over everything you say". This makes it sound like somebody wanted someone, but couldn't tell them in fear of rejection.
Impression:// This album was not as great as some of Taking Back Sunday's earlier albums, and almost no enthusiasm as before, but there are still some pretty good songs on this album. There are a lot less effects on this CD than the previous CD's aswell, more plain old guitar, compared to wah and such
01. What's it Feel Like to be a Ghost? - This CD starts off with a catchy little riff, then followed by drums, then the bass. Good itro here. Good chorus in this song, that will most likely get stuck in your head, this happend to me a lot.... 8/10
02. Liar(It Takes One to Know One) - This song starts at the end of the previous, which is then followed by a clean guitar riff. Pretty good song, only drawback is that I think the song is too long, and repetitive, but I love the ending. 8/10
03. Makedamnsure - After the media blowing this song up, and not listening to it for a while, it is becoming less annoying. Nice verse riff though, but overall, this song is not bad. 6.5/10
04. Up Against(Blackout) - This song doesn't really seem to be their real style, but on this CD, that can be a good thing. This, in my opinion, is one of the better songs on this album. Lots of harmonics on this song, which sound quite good on this song. 9/10
05. My Blue Heaven - I like this song, but in the verses, it's more like talking, but breaking up his words. He needs to speak up, or just sing. Other than that this song is good. Cool bridge on this song aswell. 9/10
06. Twenty-Twenty Surgery - Great intro to this song, sounds a bit more like their older stuff did. This song is awesome all the way around. Everyone is probably at -(near)- their best. 9.5/10
07. Spin - This is infact my all-time favourite Taking Back Sunday track. Everything from the wicked intro to the mad solo, to the outro is absolute perfection. They should definately make more songs like this. 10/10
08. Divine Intervention - Despite what other people say about this song, I love it. Their only acoustic song on this album, and my personal favourite acoustinc song by Taking Back Sunday. This song just has a great feel to it, and the band members seem so passionate about this song. 10/10
09. Miami - This song has some slight effects to the guitars, which sound a lot like the first half of the album. This song almost reminds be of My Blue Heaven. This song is not that great, but has its peaks. 6/10
10. Error: Operator - This is the shortest song on the album, and was featured on the Fantastic Four soundtrack. This is a great track, almost as good as Spin, I especially love when Adams voice gets heavily distorted near the end of the song. 10/10
11. I'll Let You Live - This is my least favourite song on this entire CD. After 5 minutes, this song is just plain annoying, and just stupid. 3/10
So, in the end, this CD has it's up and downs. If you have heard Taking Back Sunday's older stuff it is definately a lot different, but if you are willing to give it a try, go ahead and buy this CD.
For people new to Taking Back Sunday, they sound like Brand New, Fall Out Boy, Dashboard Confessional, Senses Fail and Something Corperate.
For my next review, I will be reviewing City of Evil, by metal band Avenged Sevenfold.
Sound://I have to say, Avenged Sevenfold sounds a lot like some older metal bands, such as Guns N' Roses and the like. The guitar work done by Synyster Gates (Bryan Haner), and Zacky Vengeance (Zachary Baker) is the best out of any newer band. I mean, cool riffs all over the place, wicked solos, and impressively fast palm mutings in their rhythm sections. Singer M.Shadows (Matthew Sanders) has typical metal sounding vocals, nothing too special there. Drummer Reverend "Rev" Tholomew Plague (James Sullivan) makes all the songs even more metal-y using his two bass drums, adding a cool effect.
The first single from this album was "Burn it Down", my personal favourite on this album. I like everything about this song, as simple as that. Nothing to really talk about for this track.
The third single from this album was "Beast and the Harlot", this was the track that made me want to review this album. I love the chorus, but I dislike the intro. Definitely a good song, which is featured as a song to play along to on the PS2 game "Guitar Hero"
Lyrics://Avenged Sevenfold's lyrics mainly talk about girls, and well, as the CD title implies, evil. There were some interesting lyrics on this album, such as this, taken from "Beast and the Harlot". "If you're not a servant, you'll be struck to the ground, Flee the burning, greedy city, Lookin' back on her to see there's nothing around". This sorta makes me thing about a city full of sinners, and God getting revenge. I could be totally off, but these lyrics would sort of support my idea "Fallen now is Babylon the Great"...
Impression://This album is OK, I wouldn't listen to this on a daily basis, but I can listen to this occasionally. Some standout tracks on this album are: "Burn it down", "Beast and the Harlot", "Betrayed" and "Strength of the World" One thing I do not like, is how long almost all the songs are. It is OK for me if a couple songs are long, but I'm not fond of almost ever song being 6 minutes long.
01. Beast and the Harlot - For some reason, I don't like the intro to this song, but once it starts, it becomes very fast. I like the lyrics to this song a lot. There is some wicked drumming at around 3:25, great job there. I'm not really sure why, but I love this song, no doubt about it. 9/10
02. Burn it down - This song starts off right away with a cool drum line, followed by a short lead intro. I like the way M.Shadows sings in the verses, sounds almost like he doesn't take a breath the entire time. Obviously edited, but still cool to listen to. At one point, M.Shadows yells like Chris Cornell of Audioslave, sounds good. This song is not too long, or not too short. 10/10
03. Blinded in Chains - The introductory solo includes harmonization from both guitars, which sounds pretty good. The guy talking on the right here during the verse is very annoying, doesn't really sound good at all. I'm not really fond of this song. 4/10
04. Bat Country - I am a big fan of this song, mainly because of the solo at 2:19, sounds very difficult to do. At 2:50, it turns into a dual guitar solo. Sounds completely amazing! The solo ends at 3:17, but there are still some lead parts throughout the rest of the song, which still are impressive. Only thing I dislike, is the ending :( - 9/10
05. Trashed and Scattered - I like this song, but I cant really get into this song. Its OK, but OK at best. 5/10
06. Seize the Day - Starts out acoustic, then later on adds some piano, and some cool, almost Rage Against the Machine-like lead parts. Really good lyrics, really good tune, and enjoyable to listen to. Only bad thing is that I think they made it a bit too long, and after a while seems a bit repetitive. 8.5/10
07. Sidewinder - Intro makes the song sound like it will be beyond awesome. Its not bad, but I am a sucker for sweet solos, and here we go again, at 3:30. Only 20 seconds, then back to a short acoustic bit. I find the last three minutes of this song crap though. 6.5/10
08. The Wicked End - Nothing special here, just LOOOONG! From 3:30 to 4:44 there is absolutely nothing, just empty space. I guess that is why the songs are so long, they are filled with nothing. 7/10
09. Strength of the World - A nine minute song here, starts of very slow, with a nice acoustic bit, and some samba like instruments. The song doesn't actually lift off until 1:30. This song is good, but again, too long and repetitive, a definite drawback to this band in my eyes. 6/10
10. Betrayed - This song starts out with an interesting little riff, but the singer sounds very whiny to me in this song. I'm not sure if it's just me, but its not enjoyable. At 4:27ish, the song picks up big time, it is much harder than before, and it will probably boost the rating of this song a couple points. 7/10
11. M.I.A - I don't enjoy this song, but I do have to say the song ends well, and is a good end to the album. 6/10
I would definately check this band out if you like classis rock/metal a lot. Or if you like some of these newer bands : Trivium, Atreyu, Remembering Never and Lamb of God
Overall, this was an OK album, had its highlights and its lowlights. A good choice for a hardcore metal fan though :D
For my first review, I decided to review a fairly new album from the band Rise Against entitled The Sufferer & The Witness.
Sound:// First off I would like to say that vocalist Tim McIlrath has a very distinctive voice, you will not find an other singer who sounds like him. One thing I love about this album, is that no two songs sound the same, which is a very good thing. On the guitar is Chris Chasse, who is a new member in Rise Against. He has some pretty cool riffs on this CD, which fits the music very well. On Bass, we have Joe Principe, who shows off some of his bass playing skills in "Bricks". On the drums, is Brandon Barnes, who has some good beats, not bad in my opinion.
The first single off this album was "Ready to Fall". A song about animal, and environmental cruelty. The video for this song fits perfectly. It shows the way people don't really think about the harm we cause to animals, and the environment. There are two versions of the video, one of which was too graphic for television.
The second single from this album was "Prayer of the Refugee", which shows how superstores such as Wal-Mart and Costco use foreign labour to manufacture some of their products. In this video, there are scenes of the band playing in a store such as Wal-Mart, with short scenes of children manufacturing items such as shoes.
Lyrics:// Rise Against mainly writes lyrics about Human & Animal writes, and politics. The lyrics on this album are very strong lyrics, and have lots of meaning. For example in "Drones" Tim sings "The drones all slave away, they're working overtime, They serve a faceless queen, they never question why". Obviously about forcing children to work, when they are very young.
An other good example is in "Bricks", Tim sings "...And when our children fight our wars, while we sit back just keeping score" with such a strong voice shows you how cruel some parts of the world are. Impression:// This album makes a very good impression on you. It's fast paced, loud, and meaningful. Full of catchy riffs, most of these songs will probably end up stuck in your head after only one listen. One thing that is really cool about this CD is that each song blends into the next, to create a cool effect.
01. Chamber the Cartridge - As soon as the song begins, you know this album will be something special. The intro leads into the song well, then blasts off from there. This song gives you a good taste of what is coming. Good start to the CD. 9.5/10
02. Injection - Chris Chasse's guitar riffs in this song are wonderful. From the beginning to the end there is excellent guitar playing. Tim's yelling is perfect in the bridge. Not my favourite song on this CD, but nonetheless, a good song. 8/10
03. Ready to Fall - For some reason, i can't seem to get used to the intro, it just doesn't seem to fit the rest of the song. In the verses, the use of only a bass, and small amounts of guitar really sound good. Very catchy chorus. 10/10
04. Bricks - This is a very, very fast song reminiscent of older punk bands. I give Chris props on his guitar playing, because this is very fast chord playing. Brandon does a good job on the drums, keeping a nice rythem. 10/10
05. Under the Knife - Cool intro on this song, but I do not like this song as much as I like their other stuff. 7/10
06. Prayer of the Refugee - Probably my second favourite song on this CD. It has it all. Meaningful lyrics, killer bass lines, and some wicked guitar playing. I personally love the main riff in this song. I love the way Tim sings in the chorus, sound awesome. 10/10
07. Drones - Branson's drumming is excellant in this song it sounds so good at the beginning of each verse. This song is decent, and would be cool to see live. 9/10
08. The Approaching Curve - This is my least favourite song. I mean, this is supposed to be a song, not a time to listen to Tim talk. Good lyrics, but would be better if sung. 5/10
09. Worth Dying For - This song gets you right into it, very fast paced, very punk like, and lyrics that talk about obtaining peace on earth and protecting wildlife. 9/10
10. Behind Closed Doors - Starts off with "Chairs thrown and tables toppled" It is a cool song, where the bass line stands out a lot during the verses. Stellar riffs on the guitar. A very cool song that I can listen to many, many times. 10/10
11. Roadside - This is the only slow son on this album, and it rocks! You can hear what Tim sounds like when he sings calmly, and he's pretty good too. Guest vocals from Emily Schambra of Holy Roman Empire gives you goosebumps. 10/10
12. The Good Left Undone - I personally don't find anything special about this song, but there is a catchy chorus. 7/10
13. Survive - Very fast song, with excellent performances all around. This is my absolute favourite song on this album. It stands out, and ends the album very well. 11/10
Some bands that sound like Rise Against are : Thrice, Strike Anywhere, AFI, Strung Out and Alkaline Trio.
Overall, this is an excellent album, and I definately reccomend it to anyone who likes Rock music.
This is my first ever blog, and first off I would like to say Welcome to Sound Information! In this blog I will be reviewing albums by bands ans artists that perform rock music. I have been listening music almost non-stop for the past couple years, expanding my musical taste. The goal of this blog is to get my opinions of certain bands and albums out there, and also help people find new bands that they may enjoy. I will do my best to do reviews every couple of days, and review new releases as soon as possible. I hope you enjoy reading my reviews as much as i do writing them.
Over the last couple of years, I have been listening to more and more music. Constantly discovering new bands and expanding my musical taste, now I can not go a day without listening to my music. I wanted to share what I have learned about bands, and maybe help you discover new bands you may like.