Today I will be reviewing End Of Silence, by a Christian Rock band named Red.
Sound://This band is almost like a Christian version of Linkin Park, without the hip-hop and turntables. Being a fan of Linkin park, to me, this is a pretty good band. Most song on this CD are longer, due to piano intros or outros.
Singer Micheal almost reminds me of Scott Anderson (Finger Elven), and at times sounds like him when he yells/screams as well. And when he sings, Mike has a really, really nice voice, and sound good with a theater like band behind him.
*Just a quick note, this band is not "screamo" or anything, Mike only yells/screams occasionally...
Guitarists Anthony and Jasen can make up some cool riffs I.E "Breath into me" Nothing really special about the bass, and drum players, Randy and Hayden, with the exception of the cymbals sounding amazing on this album.
Well, since this band is really obscure, I thought I would try and promote them, as they are a great band. Anyway, I saw the video for "Breathe Into Me" once, on Much Music at like, 1AM. The video is nothing special, but this is one time when staying up late really payed off :)
Lyrics://Well, this is a Christian Rock Band, so this definitely means that there are no negative lyrics whatsoever on this album, but I will still quote some good lyrics from this CD.
In "Let Go" this is a lyric that means something: "I don't wanna be afraid, I don't wanna run away, I don't want to be evaded it's more that I can take" This has lots of meaning to it, and this is that he wants to be stronger, or run away from his fears.
This will be a long quote, but it was so good, I had to put it all. " I tried so hard thought, I could do this on my own I've lost so much along the way then, I'll see your face i know, I'm finally yours, i find everything i thought i lost before" See? Generally uplifting lyrics.
Impression:// See, before this, I thought Christian rock would be like, all pop style with lyrics like "Yeah yeah yeah, I love god, god is great" type of thing. But this band showed me, that you don't necessarily need to sound like that to be "Christian Rock"
01. Intro (End Of Silence) - Umm... yeah ?/10
02. Breath Into Me - This is the song that got me into Red, and at this point is still my favourite song on this album. Very good instrumental, I mean, in the chorus, there is an orchestra in the background, which sounds so cool. Not to mention the awesome lead riff. 10/10
03. Let Go - This song is more, sort of, alternative sounding, and to me strays away from the CD a bit. Excellent chorus, great lyrics though, and still not a bad song either. 8/10
04. Already Over - This song starts out with a piano intro, but the singer makes sorta a whiny voice in the verse, like some sort of sissy band. But, he sounds better in the chorus. Definitely not a favourite of mine. 4.5/10
05. Lost - The song, starts to get good at around 30 seconds, and then it's sounds a lot like a Linkin Park style song. This song's instrumental is...OK. But the lyrics are superb. 8/10
06. Pieces - This is a slow song all the way through. Good lyrics, good instrumental, gives me chills by the time the end of the song comes around. 9/10
07. Break Me Down - This song has a violin that really stands out at the beginning, which in combination with the chords that the guitar is playing, sounds great. 8/10
08. Wasting Time - From the intro, you can tell this will be AWESOME! And the impression the song makes at the beginning, is of course, correct. This song ROCKS! 10/10
09. Gave It All Away - This song really reminds me of Linkin Park, or even Papa Roach, because of the rapid stuttering. Well, it's hard to explain, but you would know what I meant if you heard it. 8/10
10. Hide - The song almost seems to begin, sort of, majestically, then goes on well from there. This song gets stuck in my head so very easily. I love it. 9/10
11. Already Over Pt. 2 - I personally think this song is just, meh. That's all I have to say... 5/10
If you like Hard Rock music in genereal, you will probably like Red. Regardless of the Christian bit.
If you have never heard of Red, which few people have, you may like them if you like some of these bands: Antimaniax, Linkin Park, Papa Roach, Three Days Grace an/or Sick Of Silence.
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