Today I will reviewing Franz Ferdinand's newest CD: You Could Have It So Much Better.
Sound:// The First thing I am going to say about this album, is that I prefer this one over their previous. The overall sound is just so much better...Get it? Hahaha.... Ok, that was lame.
Anyway, this CD overall has funkier riffs, more technical guitar parts, which include the two guitarists Alex Kapranos and Nick McCarthy each playing different riffs, most evident in "The Fallen".
Singer Alex Kapranos doesn't really strike me as a good vocalist, but he makes the songs catchier. Also, Alex's sing did not really improve that much since the previous album.
One thing that really improved to me was the drumming of Paul Thompson. He uses more of a variety of beats on this album, and is one of the many things that makes this CD so much better.
Bassist Bob Hardy doesn't blow me away with his bass playing, it is OK. I think that the bass should have been recorded louder, as it is pretty hard to hear it in the first place.
The first single from this album that made airplay was "Do You Want To". The repetitive amount of "do"'s surprisingly don't get as annoying after listening to it a couple of times. Even though the video is odd, I still find this a really good song.
The second single to receive major airplay was "The Fallen". Very good song, and cool video. Although, I really have no idea what they are talking about in this song...
Lyrics:// OK, I am just going to come out and say this, I have no Idea what Franz is talking about most of the time. But from what I gather from "This Boy", Alex just writes basically anything he wants to, but in a confusing way. "If I'm tired, I'm tired of telling you I'm never tired, I'm always better than you Bye boy, run to your mother" and the constant repetitiveness of "I WANT A CAR! I WANT A CAR!". The lyrics are just confusing and catchy, so, not bad in the lyrics department.
Impression:// Well, on Franz's first album, I only like one song, and that song happens to be "Take Me Out". On THIS album however, I enjoy almost all of the songs. A definite improvement.
01. The Fallen - This song starts the album off well, but maybe a little too well. This song is my favourite on the album, with the outstandingly complicated sound riffs constantly stuck in my head, this song is pure genius. A cool part of this song is how each chorus they add a line or two. Excellent song. 10/10
02. Do You Want To - I strongly dislike how this song starts, but once the song starts, there is a strong funk feel. This is one of the few songs where the bass actually stands out. The distortion on the main riff sounds almost exactly like the guys singing. 8.5/10
03. This Boy - This is probably my second favourite song on this album. At times, this song has some techno/funk parts, which sound decent. The guitar part in the chorus sounds a lot like a 60/70's style song. 10/10
04. Walk Away - I'm not sure what exactly what to say about this song. To me, it seems very plain, and doesn't have the same feel as the rest of the material on this album. 5/10
05. Evil and a Heathen - I like this song, but I don't love it. The distortion of the voice makes Alex's voice sound... well better. I'm not sure what it is about this song but I find it very catchy. 8/10
06. You're the Reason I'm Leaving - This song I find a bit strange, which most of their songs are, but stranger than most. I'm really not a fan of this song. This is where you can tell they are more of and Indie type band.... 7/10
07. Eleanor Put Your Boots On - This is Franz's only acoustic song, and I am going to come out and say it.... I can't stand this song. Alex & the boys sound absolutely horrible when singing softly. I will probably never listen to this song again. 2/10
08. Well That Was Easy - This song starts off with a very short drum roll, then sorta stays a fast song for a while, and the drumming is the standout for this album. The change of tempo's during this song actually makes me want to listen to it again and again. 9/10
09. What You Meant - This song sounds more like a country song than anything. It is good mind you, but they strode away from their style in this song, or at least I think so. 6/10
10. I'm Your Villain - In the intro, there are really loud hits on the bass drum, almost as if they are making a statement. Again on this song, the bass seems to stand out more than the rest. One thing about this song though, one of the riffs sound almost exactly the same as an other one of their songs. But, I love the chorus, So I am going to give this song an.... 8/10
11. You Could Have It So Much Better - OK, so this is the song where the CD got it's name from. Very Funky song, and a super awesome chorus, where Alex keeps repeating "I'll get up on my own" 9/10
12. Fade Together - I am basically going to say the same thing about this song as I did with "Eleanor Put Your Boots On". Alex does not sound good when singing soft. Although, this song just sound better and less annoying. 5/10
13. Outsiders - This song starts out with the layered riff which sound stellar. This song sound very funky, and I really, really like this song, except for the accordian, which sadly ruined the song, as it sounds like a cat dying. How unfortunate :( 4/10
So, basically, this CD has it times where it is super cool, and catchy, but also has its times when it is really annoying. But, If you liked their previous CD, you will kost likely love this CD.
For those of you who have never heard Franz Ferdinand, they sort of sound like the following bands: The White Stripes, The Killers, RX Bandits, The Bravery and The Yeah Yeah Yeah's
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